Fr. Jude writes: SURRENDER TO LOVE

The passage from the first reading of the day contains the Shema Israel (Hear O Israel) from Deuteronomy, 6:4-9. It is called the Great Commandment and Jesus refers to it in the gospel reading (Mark 12:28-34). According to David Berner, in his classic work ” Surrender to Love”,
“Surrender is foundational to Christian Spirituality and is the soil out of which obedience should grow”. Christ does not simply want our compliance. He wants our heart. He wants our love and he offers his. He invites us to Surrender to His love.” David Berner.

Beloved, the 18th Psalm, used as the responsorial psalm has always been for me, a kind of “pillar” in times of affliction. It portrays the sentiments of one who has surrendered to the love of God and has decided to cling to him through thick and thin. My prayer therefore is that the Father of Mercies may open the storehouse of His manifold blessings and anointing power unto us all, as we reaffirm our love for Him, and as He fashions every event of the day for our good (Romans 8:28). Amen. May we experience His salvation from the waves of death surrounding us. Amen. May we hear His voice this day from His temple and experience His salvific grace as we cling to Him in love (Psalm 91:14) through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Have a testimony filled week.



