Afternoon Tea with Beloved Disciples

Fridays at 2:30 pm in the Parish Centre

Come and join us for a bit of religion with afternoon tea and cakes. We will do this by watching Beloved Disciples, a four-episode series exploring spirituality for the autumn of life. This profound and enjoyable series will help many of our elderly citizens to feel new value and serve with fresh confidence.


The 30-minute episodes are as follows:

  • The Autumn of Life
  • Changing your World
  • Thy Will be Done
  • The Best is Yet to Come


The series is presented by:

DAVID WELLS is a Schools’ Advisor in the Plymouth Diocese. A sought-after speaker whose contemporary theology, humour and story-telling reach out to the head and to the heart. He has written two very popular books.

DAVID PAYNE is the Director of CaFE helping people to get more out of their faith. He is an inspiring speaker, author of four books and regularly leads parish missions & retreats.

All are welcome, young and old.

Here’s a preview:



