4 October 2019 is CAFOD Family Fast Day

The CAFOD Family Fast Day is on Friday 4 October 2019.

The first Family Fast Day took place on 11 March 1960, when a group of Catholic women came together to raise funds for a mother and baby clinic in Dominica. It was from this very first Family Fast Day and the incredible efforts of these women that CAFOD was born. Today, Family Fast day is every bit as important to us now, as it was in 1960.

This Family Fast Day, would you have a simple meal, like a bowl of soup, and give the money you save to CAFOD? Imagine the difference this parish could make if we all got involved.

It could mean another water pump in another desperately dry and inaccessible community. It could mean more children, like Fabiano, can follow their dreams.

Please fill in your details on the envelope (available at the back of the church) to Gift Aid your donation or you can donate on the CAFOD website.

Thank you very much for your prayers and your generosity.



