Category: Fr Dominic Writes
Reflection for 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – The unfair parable?
Our natural reaction to today’s parable is that those who worked the longest, should have received the most pay. But this isn’t about justice, its about God’s call & our […]
Reflection for 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – God’s answer to Conflict Resolution
The readings today could be seen as the Lord’s teaching about conflict resolution; what do you do if someone does something wrong to you? How is a Christian to handle […]
Fr Dominic writes: The teachings of the Cross
In last week’s Gospel’s reading Jesus called Peter “his rock”, this week, he calls him a tempter & asks him to leave. Peter has taken Jesus aside & tried to […]
Fr Dominic writes: Peter the Rock
When Jesus asked his Apostles “Who do say that I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Jesus called him ’Rock’. Jesus says: “You […]
Fr Dominic writes: “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him”
What happened on that mountain of the Transfiguration was an explosion of unearthly, “Unborrowed” light that shone around & from within Jesus. The Transfiguration was, & is, a moment of […]
Fr Dominic writes: The hidden treasure in the heart
God devised a secret treasure for people & he gave it to the angels to bring to earth instructing them to hide it so that people would have to search […]
Fr Dominic writes: Our God is the God of the second chance.
This story of the wheat and the weeds would be very familiar to the people of Palestine. When wheat was planted and started to row, weeds would sprout too. The […]
Fr Dominic writes: The word is like a seed
A seed is a marvellous thing ; it can make barren ground fruitful, but can also be weak & vulnerable, it depends entirely on the soil in which it is […]
Fr Dominic writes: There is strength in weakness
The first reading today pictures a king coming humbly to Zion, riding on a donkey, he is a messenger of peace. This prophesy was fulfilled on Palm Sunday when Jesus […]
Fr Dominic writes: And here we go again and it is wonderful to behold.
Every year when our parish comes to the end of June we know that all of the First Holy Communion Celebrations have been completed, the Confirmation Candidates have been Confirmed […]