Category: Fr Dominic Writes
Fr Dominic writes: Can we roll the stone away?
Sometimes in the Gospel, there is a single detail that tells the whole story. There is such a detail in this Gospel reading that goes to the very heart of […]
Fr Dominic writes: How do we witness to our faith in our lives?
Very often when we are asked about our beliefs, our faith, our religion we can happily answer that we believe in God, we are Christian and we are Catholic. This […]
Fr Dominic writes: How do we believe in Jesus?
It is much more than an intellectual acceptance. Jesus said, “Not everybody who says to me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven. Only those who do the will […]
Fr Dominic writes: We need a living flowing spiritual refreshment—the grace of the Holy Spirit
In the Gospel reading Jesus and the Samaritan seem to be talking about drinking water but it is more than that. The conversation we overhear is not just about her […]
Fr Dominic writes: The first signs of spring
The first signs of spring can be seen outside and its feels like the Parish is springing back into action as well. Our recent Pasta & Pancake party was well […]
Fr Dominic writes: Almsgiving led by sacrifice and prayer!
If you are reading this on the first Sunday of Lent then you are in the fifth day of observing the Lenten Season. Did you make a resolution to fast […]
Fr Dominic writes: Getting Stung!
The story is told of a Holy old man who used to meditate every morning under a large tree on the banks of the river Ganges in northern India. The […]
Fr Dominic writes: Delve deeper!
The Sermon on the Mount should not be seen as a catechism, but rather a powerful exhortation , intended to convince all who hear it to take heed and follow […]
Fr Dominic writes: How are we salt and light?
The Lord says that we are supposed to be the “salt of the earth” and “the light of the world” . In fact it’s a compliment we use today when […]
Fr Dominic writes: Seek out the good news
In the Gospel today Jesus delivers the Sermon on the Mount , beginning with the Beatitudes. Through these he is enlarging our view of the world. We live in a […]