Easter Services at Borehamwood

Easter Services 2023 :
Joint Catholic Parishes of Borehamwood

Palm Sunday Vigil Mass – 1st April
6pm (SSJFTM)

Palm Sunday Masses – 2nd April
8.30am (SSJFTM)
10am (St T)
Noon (St T

Maundy Thursday: – 6th April
8pm (SSJFTM) Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper,
then watching at the altar of repose until 10pm

Good Friday – 7th April
11am Children & Families, Good Friday Walk of Witness
from Baptist Church, Furzehill to St Teresa’s.
Refreshments at the Parish Centre when the walk finishes.

3pm (St T) Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion

Holy Saturday – 8th April
9.30-11.30am (St T) Sacrament of Reconciliation

Noon (St T) Polish Blessing of the Easter Sunday Food

8pm (St T) Easter Vigil/ Service of Light

Easter Sunday Masses – 9th April
8.30am (SSJFTM)
10am (St T)
Noon (St T)

We wish you and your family a happy and grace filled Easter
From Fr Dominic, Sue and the Parish Team



