Fr Antonio Writes: First Week of Advent (A)

Happy new liturgical year!

Fr Antonio Pineda
Assistant Parish Priest

Or is it? The message in this Sunday’s Gospel reading can be interpreted as less than happy because it speaks of “the last things”. But fear not those who trust in God’s plans. Those living in Noah’s time were so caught up in their daily activities – eating and drinking – that they were neglectful of the consequences of their sins and were caught unawares by the flood.

“Stay awake!” Jesus tells us in the Gospel. We need to be in constant awareness of the Christian challenge of living life purposely. We have a mission that should guide us at all times and direct our words and actions in all circumstances. We never know the day nor the hour when our presence may bring life to another or, through our inattention or indifference, allow them to remain in need or pain.

The season of Advent is a time for preparation for the coming of Christ. It is a call for conversion, for us to rediscover the purpose of life and to learn that it is more than merry making. In his letter to the Romans, St Paul gives us the wake-up call that we need as we begin Advent. This is the time to wake up, to be alert, to be active. We are called to live in the light and not to hide in darkness. Anything in our lives that we would rather keep as a guilty secret should be disposed of and left behind. As part of our Advent preparation, we could reflect on the hidden areas of our life and ask the Lord for the courage to live more freely in the light.

To help you do this, we have put together an Advent programme which includes a Holy Hour every Wednesday evening at 7:30 and a Tea and Cake afternoon every Friday at 3:00 pm in the Parish Centre. There will also be an extended three-hour Confession session on 21 December from 10:00 am.



