Fr Dominic Writes: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Slowly coming back to church, but a long way to go!

Fr Dominic
Parish Priest

It was really great to see parishioners back at St. Teresa’s and at St. Joseph’s in Carpenders Park. Both churches are very large but with the two meter social distancing we can only get a very small number for each Mass. I hope that you will get used to the booking system. We are still awaiting permission for baptisms to take place. We are also awaiting a date for Confirmations to be celebrated, there will have to a number of Confirmation Masses as numbers are restricted and we can only have a small number of candidates at any one time. We will try to work out a plan to get the First Holy Communions underway but it will only be for a small number at a time and the Celebration will be simpler. In Borehamwood all these will take place in St Teresa’s as we have the live streaming there and relatives can watch on the internet. As soon as we are able to proceed we will let you know the details.

The International Liberty Association

This group work to represent prisoners in Iran, especially Christians, who are jailed for their refusal to give up their faith. They attempt to get publicity and to have lawyers and high profile people to publicise the dire situation the prisoners are in. At the moment they are worried that, under the guise of the COVID19 pandemic, there could be a massacre of those in jail. They need help with prayers, with publicity and with money as it costs money to represent and bring cases to court. We can send our financial support by Bank Transfer: Account Name: International Liberty Association. Account Number: 25121102. Sort Code: 08-71-99. Bank Name: Cash Plus Bank (APS Financial LTD.) or donate on their website. Thank you for any help



