Fr Dominic Writes: 1st Sunday of Lent (C)

The Journey of Lent has begun, how are we doing so far?

I must admit that I was surprised at the end of all the Masses on Sunday to see so many of the adult ‘Day by Day Daily Reflection’ books that were still at the back of the church.

I am now concerned that the Wednesday evening Holy Hour with Lenten Reflection at 7.30pm will have Fr. Antonio on his own in church. What will happen on the Friday evening Stations Of the Cross, a lonely journey? What about our Friday afternoon Tea, Cake and a spot of Religion?

We are all called to repentance, reform and renewal and we must use the Season set aside by the Church to come back to God, to come back to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. This can only take place with prayer, meditation and giving time to God. What sacrifices, or fasting you do is a very personal thing but it must bear fruit in reforming us and making us more aware of our obligations to the mission of Jesus Christ in reaching out to the poor and marginalised in our town, and in our world.

You know that the Borehamwood Foodbank will be relying on us to boost their stocks of popular foods that run out quickly, with four items highlighted each week. The Rich Man Poor Man meal would be a damp squib if none turned up or the food was not sponsored. We rely on your generosity to make all these initiatives come to fruition.

Make Lent happen in the parish.



