Fr Dominic Writes: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

Challenging words from Jesus about prestige and humility

Fr Dominic
Parish Priest

God, in Jesus Christ, sat down at our earthly table to share the words of his wisdom and the bread of his presence, as a foretaste of the heavenly banquet. His words are a challenge to those who dominate the tables of the world: but they offer immense hope to those who are excluded from these tables. Jesus’s message to the guests was to avoid seeking positions of power to move away from being self-opinionated, pushy, aggressive, and vying for prestige and popularity.

His message to for the host of the dinner was not to invite friends, relatives, rich neighbours as you can expect them to repay you with another invitation to a meal. He said to invite the poor, the outcasts and those who could never pay them back. As usual, Jesus is being very provocative, unsettling and counter cultural. Do we need that same message today in our world?

Back to school, College, University and first time at school

For the families in the parish this is a busy, exciting and sometimes frightening time. Our prayers and thoughts are with you as some young people will be leaving home to go to college or university, some will be starting their GCSE courses, others going back to Year 11, with the exams next summer. A-levels are such a different scene to GCSEs that it will take a big adjustment. But for those parents whose children who will be starting school for the first time this can be a very emotional time. Some kids will cling and some will march in without a thought.

International Lunch

On Sunday 6th October we are having our Annual International Lunch, so you now need to figure out what dish or dishes you are going to cook to highlight the cuisine of your native country. Instead of one big dish I am going to cook an Irish Stew (lamb), a Guinness Stew (Beef), and a Dingle Fish Pie (mixed fish and seafood). The recipes will be in the Borehamwood Parish Cookbook. Help will also be needed to beautify our Hall with our international flags.



