Fr Dominic Writes: 2nd Sunday in Advent

Fr Dominic
Parish Priest

A huge big thank you from the Mercy Sisters in Addo in South Africa
On Tuesday this week I received a phone call from Sr. Martha and Sr. Breda in Addo. They were very excited and very, very, happy as they just received our donation from the ‘Rich Man Poor Man Meal’ and other donations. We sent them £2,253 and it came out at over 44,000 Rand. They were so thankful. As you are aware how hard the Pandemic and the lockdown has affected us here in Britain and how our Borehamwood Foodbank had to contend with triple the amount of clients since March. Well, in the ‘Unofficial Locations’ where the Sisters work the effect was totally devastating. They had to try and source food for all the four locations and for the four schools.
When they rang, they had just received our donation and were getting ready to purchase food make up three hundred food parcels, for this weekend and to purchase 1,000 presents for the children for Christmas. They wanted to thank the Confirmation Candidates for all their great efforts in planning, cooking and serving the ‘Rich Man Poor Man Meal’. They also thanked the Parishioners who made the event such a success. Every year I am so proud of our Confirmation groups as they really do manage to spread the word about the Meal during the weekend Masses (speaking publicly is never easy), making great efforts to sell the tickets after the Masses and then preparing all the food and the tables and hall the day before the Meal and then cooking and serving, and cleaning up after the event. There are hundreds of families and thousands of children in Addo who will have much needed food and presents this Christmas thanks to them. Parents, I know that you very proud of them, and thanks to you for helping them to be such fine young adults. A credit to you and to the Catholic Parishes of Borehamwood.



