Fr Dominic Writes: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

A heartfelt thank you – to everyone for making my Jubilee celebrations so special

Fr Dominic
Parish Priest

I had a great weekend and thank you for your presents and amazing donation – I’m looking at the cruise brochures! I must say a special thank you to Sasha and her band of helpers for an amazing spread on Sunday and to Nick Male for arranging the presentations on the day. I will be celebrating the 11.45am Mass in St. Scholastica’s in Clapton (where I was ordained) and next Sunday I will celebrate the noon Mass in Camden Town. Here’s to the next 25!

We have planned our Advent and Christmas Service. In particular, please make a note of the date of Senior Citizens Christmas Party and sign up – whether as a guest or helper, either way a good time will be had by all. Our Christmas Raffle tickets are now on sale, only £1 a ticket, we have a food raffle this year including some amazing hampers. The proceeds of the raffle go towards the Christmas Party so it’s a good cause.

We will be having our usual Friday Afternoon Teas and Wednesday Evening Holy Hours, throughout the Advent Season, I hope that you be able to attend one of these to help with your personal preparations for Christmas. Last year I introduced a Service of Light, a service to help people who find the Christmas season difficult or maybe are just not looking forward to it this year for whatever reason. It will be on 13 December this year and there will be stars to put on the tree on which you can write the name of someone that you want to remember this Christmas.

We are waiting for details of the presents for Prisoners’ Children and hope to have them ready for you soon. We had an amazing response to the Samaritans Purse Shoeboxes – with 158 collected – more than ever this year. Thank you for your kindness and generosity in remembering these.



