Fr Dominic Writes: 4th Sunday of Lent (A)

Changes to our Services because of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Fr Dominic
Parish Priest

This is a very challenging time for all of us, especially, our elderly and those with underlying health conditions. My thoughts and prayers are also with those families who will have the children at home, with many of the usual entertainment sources closed to the public. With public funerals and weddings in church cancelled, this is an especially difficult time for all those involved. The children and families of the First Holy Communion candidates and those young people for Confirmation must be in a confusing period.

My heart goes out to those who have been preparing for SATS, for GCS’s and A Levels. It is difficult to have to wait and see how grades will be allocated. We need to mark this as a time of prayer for ourselves and for all those who are affected by this virus. Why not try to set aside a time in the day to come together as a family and recite the rosary or another form of prayer asking for relief and understanding during this very difficult period. Thankfully we have live streaming and all our masses at St Teresa’s are also recorded. Our website will keep you up to date with all the latest information so please make a point of accessing it for the live streaming and any information you may need.

This is now a plea to all those who are tech savvy, check that your parents, grandparents, elderly neighbours are able to access the internet, if possible. It is time to drag them into the 21st century with the gift of a tablet or iPad. Many of them will find the loss of Mass attendance as something very difficult. They may already be on the internet via SKYPE etc, so get them to the Mass, please. Do look out for anyone who may be vulnerable at this time and reach out to them. Many thanks in advance.



