Fr Dominic Writes: 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

The season of Lent

Fr Dominic
Parish Priest

Lent is the season set aside by the church to come back to God and to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ. This can only take place with prayer, meditation and giving time to God. What sacrifices, or fasting you do is a very personal thing but it must bear fruit in reforming us and making us more aware of our obligations to the mission of Jesus Christ in reaching out to the poor and marginalised. We have put together the following programme which we hope will help you this Lenten Season.

For prayer: Each Wednesday during Lent at 7.30pm we will have a Holy Hour with Lenten Reflection. We will have Stations of the Cross on Fridays after the morning Mass and at 7pm in St. Teresa’s. On Friday afternoons in the Parish Centre we will have a cuppa, a cake and a spot of religion. Lent calendars have been given to St Teresa’s School for each child and we have a number at the back of both churches for those children who don’t attend St Teresa’s school.

For fasting: This is a very individual choice but it would be helpful if your sacrifice and those of the children could be turned into something very positive to reach out to those in our community who are in need. So if you are giving up something do put a monetary value on it and use the cash to give to charity, or maybe you could donate it to the Foodbank instead? Next week is also the CAFOD Family Fast Day and there are envelopes in both churches, please donate if you are able.

For almsgiving: Of course there is our Annual “Rich Man, Poor Man” meal, £10 a ticket , or sponsor an item of food or drink for the meal. The Confirmation candidates will be at all Masses this weekend to explain and to help you purchase tickets or sponsor. This is for Uniforms for the children in Addo.



