In the gospel the apostles ask Jesus to increase their faith and Jesus replies by illustrating the power of faith as small as a mustard seed. That faith is strong enough to uproot the mulberry and plant it in the sea. Transplanting trees into the ocean would certainly be regarded as bold, although Jesus himself never bothered with such eccentric demonstrations. He put his faith to work on behalf of the afflicted who came to him for help and healing. However, Jesus’ point still stands: a faith that is rooted in God is capable of a boldness that is awesome.
Jesus’ own boldness in dealing with God led the authorities to accuse him of blasphemy and eventually to plot his death. His familiarity with God made him bold – bold enough to call God “Father” and encourage his followers to do the same. In the end Jesus’ deeply rooted faith in God enabled him to see through suffering. Jesus was bold enough to face the cross. He was also bold enough to accuse God of forsaking hm.
Sometime boldness shocks people and upsets them; they would prefer to hang back and suffer in silence. Boldness with God always looks a risky business – not least because God always has the last word! But whet if we believed in a God who encouraged boldness? A God who did not get nervous at people screaming at him and coaxing him towards justice? That is the God of the prophet Habbakuk and the apostle Paul. That is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is our God.
We believe in a God who gives us a spirit not of timidity but of boldness, a God for whom we can do wonders while doing only our duty. He is our Father and it is never too late to argue with him.
Fr Dominic writes: A bold faith