Fr Dominic writes: Can you help us get everything up and running again?

This weekend I am away in Offenburg which is one of Borehamwood’s Twin Towns. It is good to be part of the initiative that brings people from around the world in contact with each other.
We are now in the middle of September 2022 and we need to start firing on all cylinders. We have had a great response to Confirmation and First Holy Communion programmes and we are set to start very soon. We need help with Catechists as we want the young people of the parish to have a very positive and fun experience. So, if you think you can help please go to the website and fill in and send an application form. Some adults have approached the parish and would like to be baptised and I would like to set up an RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) team to accompany them on their journey. If this is something that interests please fill in a form online from the website. We need to restart ’Children’s liturgy of the Word’ during the 10.00am Mass. We have some good leaders but we need some more, once again please fill in a form online and we can make plans.
At the moment our Readers schedule is a bit thin so we need to be able to have two readers at each weekend Mass. We need also to have the readers reading the Prayers of the Faithful at these masses. So, once again please help.
I am hoping that we will be allowed to give Communion with both Host and Chalice and we need to bring up the numbers of Eucharistic Ministers so please consider volunteering for this beautiful ministry. We have many Catholics in Care Homes around Borehamwood and many parishioners who can no longer come to church and we need to be able to provide communion to them. This is a special Ministry and ask some of you to put yourselves forward to help with this. I hope that this does not sound like a big ask but please pray and consider putting your self forward to help in some way. Thank you in advance.




