One of the many things that mark out Catholics from the other Christian denominations is our devotion to praying for our dead, those who have gone before us. We pray for the remission of their sins and for their entry into the heavenly presence of Jesus and all the saints. We believe in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. We believe that when our time comes we will be reunited with those who have gone before us and will be in place of light, happiness and peace.
During the month of November we remember all those who have gone before us in special ways. On Sunday November 6th we will have Blessing of the graves at Allum Lane Cemetery from 2.00pm. We will do this with Fr. Shaun Lennard and the parishioners of Our Lady and St. Vincent, Potters Bar.
All during the month of November we will remember the Holy Souls at all the Masses and every week there will be special Masses dedicated to them. All the lists of deceased family members and friends will be in a prominent place on the sanctuary. From this week the Holy Souls envelopes and sheets will be available for you to fill out and return to us. I have also given stipends to Fr. Joseph Shonibare to celebrate a Mass everyday during November for our lists of deceased.
On Friday 11th November at 7.00pm at St Teresa’s, we will have our Annual Mass for deceased members of our Parishes, especially those who have died since last November. We will send an invitation to the relatives of those who have passed away since last year.
Fr Dominic writes: We are approaching the month of the Holy Souls