Fr Dominic writes: And here we go again and it is wonderful to behold.

Every year when our parish comes to the end of June we know that all of the First Holy Communion Celebrations have been completed, the Confirmation Candidates have been Confirmed and we are looking for new candidates for the 2023 / 2024 programmes. As Parish Priest I am always so proud of our parents and young people who are carrying on with the Catholic traditions of generations. It is a great sign of growth in any parish and I always feel blest to be part of the formation of the next generation of Catholics.

Every year we seek out people who are looking to join our Faith and Church. It is always exciting to see adults embracing the Faith and wanting to be initiated. This always makes our Easter Saturday Vigil so significant and moving for all of the Parish. So, if you know of any person who has shown and interest if becoming a Catholic or wanting to know more about the Church tell them to get in touch.

Since I was ordained in 1994 I have always put on a short and intense Course for Adult Confirmation, once a year. This is important as many Catholics miss their Confirmation as teenagers for a myriad of reasons. We must always be able to give people a chance and every year we have candidates who avail themselves of the opportunity provided.

In the Catholic Church anyone getting Married must attend a Pre-Marriage Preparation Course. Marriage is a very important sacrament and must be treated very seriously. In our Parish we put on three courses, one in February, one in June and one in October. It is an intense Course from Friday evening 7.30pm to 9.00pm and Saturday 10.00am to 4.00pm. It is a great course and is really enjoyed by the couples who attend.

Our foundational Sacrament is Baptism and we baptised 00 children in 2022, and so far in 2023 00 have receives the sacrament . There is a short Preparation Course and the Baptisms usually take place on a Saturday afternoon, with a Rite of Welcome at a Mass the weekend before the Celebration.




