Fr Dominic writes: The first signs of spring

The first signs of spring can be seen outside and its feels like the Parish is springing back into action as well. Our recent Pasta & Pancake party was well attended and the children (& parents), had a great time. We now have the St Patrick’s Day Party, with tickets on sale now, We have hot food, music and a display of Irish Dancing from a local group; remember you don’t have to be Irish to celebrate Paddy’s Day! Make sure you get your tickets before they sell out.

Our Catechetical Programmes are moving along nicely; the Confirmation Candidates meet next week to review their thoughts on the topics on which they have been studying and to plan for this years “Rich Man Poor Man” – (Saturday 22nd April—put the date in your diary). The First Holy Communions are scheduled for end April & May—with a gap for the King’s Coronation, and the children have been working hard and are doing great.

Our Adult Catechetical programmes are progressing in the lead up to Easter when we have Adult Confirmations and Receptions, we are always so delighted to be able to welcome people into the Catholic Church.

Then there is the Foodbank Donation Drive that was launched last week; we have had so many donations already, you can drop them off at St Teresa’s Presbytery or there are also boxes in the church porches with St Teresa’s Church usually kept open during weekdays.

There is much to look forward to; a growing church that makes a positive contribution to its community, can stand in the shoes of others and can come together, celebrate and have fun.



