Fr John writes: This Sunday is World Mission Sunday

This Sunday is World Mission Sunday and we are asked to pray and support the work of all those who reach out to share the Gospel with people who have yet to hear about the good news that is Jesus Christ. The Church’s organisation Missio works to enable missionaries all over the world to support communities that are poor or in need. Guided by the principle of God’s unconditional love for all people, Missio tries to respond generously to all in need, irrespective of their background and beliefs. It also provides spiritual and practical support to the poorest Catholic communities. Our Gospel this week sees Jesus reach out to heal the blind beggar Bartimaeus, who once healed becomes a follower of the Lord. We are all called to respond to those around us in need and to do our bit to be missionaries in our own situations. Pope Francis has given as the theme for this year’s Mission Sunday “We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard”. This was the response of the apostles Peter and John when the religious authorities of the day told them to refrain from speaking publicly about Jesus and his message. But actions speak louder than words. Jesus sees the blind beggar and asks “what do you want me to do for you ?”. As missionaries in our own lives we are called to be the hands of Jesus reaching out to those around us. The pandemic has shown us clearly how many are lonely and vulnerable and we have been inspired by examples of people who have risen to the challenge of supporting those who needed a helping hand. Pope Francis prayer intention for October is that every baptised person will respond to the call to follow Jesus Christ in their lives and witness to others the transforming power of his Gospel:
“The joy that radiates from those attracted by Christ and by his Spirit is what can make any
missionary initiative fruitful.’



