Message from Canon Tony:

Dear Parishioners,

I am aware that you are anxious to know who will succeed Father Dominic, as your Parish Priest. Unfortunately, the way these things work, means that appointments can take some time. Not least because, presently, in the Diocese, there are a number of vacant parishes, and, as you will be aware, the numbers offering themselves to serve as priests, is considerably less than it used to be.

In the meantime, the Cardinal has appointed me as Parochial Administrator. This means that I will be responsible for the two Borehamwood Parishes, until a Parish Priest is appointed. It also means that I will be carrying this responsibility in addition to my duties as Parish Priest of Harpenden. As you will appreciate, I can’t be in two places at once, so we will continue to arrange for different priests to celebrate the Masses on Sunday, but I hope, when possible, to come and celebrate Mass with you. Alongside my duties in Harpenden, I also hope to be able join you for, at least, some of your parish activities. Along with Sue, your Administrator, I will do my best to ensure that parish activities continue to take place, and that your needs are met, as far as possible. So, I do ask your understanding and patience!

This week, we have the task of bidding farewell to Father Dominic. It is of course a sad time but, I’m sure you will agree that, as we look back at Father Dominic’s twenty nine years of Priesthood, and particularly his thirteen years serving the Borehamwood parishes, it is also a time to give thanks. To give thanks for his life and ministry, for those he served, and all whose lives he touched. We continue to pray for his family and friends, and all who are saddened by his passing.

May he rest in peace, and rise in glory!

Canon Anthony Dwyer Parochial Administrator



