Stewardship Appeal: Your Parish Needs You

‘As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied Grace’

1 Peter 4:10

This weekend we launch our Stewardship renewal. Over the coming weeks we ask all parishioners to prayerfully reflect on their commitment to our parish. As a parish and as individuals, we have been blessed with many, varied gifts. Biblical Stewardship calls us to share our gifts of time, talent and financial blessings with our parish community and our world. These gifts come from God, so let us strive to return a sacrificial, not token, portion to Him.

We shall be hearing more about stewardship and the needs of our parish over the coming weeks.  There will be representatives from the Parish Finance Committee who will speak at each Sunday Mass for the next three weeks. There will also be a special appeal newsletter every week. Please give prayerful consideration to this appeal.

If you have any questions, there will be volunteers available after Mass today.



