What can you do when you can’t come to church?

As we continue to face the challenges brought about by the coronavirus, certain groups are encouraged to stay at home and not come to church to attend Mass, such as the elderly, people with weakened immune systems and those with long term conditions such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

If you are unable to attend Mass in person, you are encouraged to Mass online. We have live streaming at St Teresa’s Church and other parishes in the Diocese of Westminster also offer this service. Click here for a full is list of parishes with live streaming.

If you do watch Mass online, you are also encouraged to make the Act of Spiritual Communion.

Please remember that although you are at home when watching Mass online, you should still do so with reverence. Those who are able to should be dressed appropriately (e.g., not in their pyjamas). Lighting a candle and setting up a crucifix on a table while watching the Mass online are also worth considering.



