3 May 2020 is Good Shepherd Sunday

Good Shepherd Sunday is the day when we pray for our seminarians and encourage other men to consider the call to the priesthood.

The seminaries, Allen Hall, the Venerable English College and the Beda College in Rome, where future Westminster priests are in formation, are physically closed. Nevertheless, prayer continues in the life of seminarians and staff, and they are able to participate in streamed liturgies. All have online lectures, regular conversations with formation staff and spiritual direction. Our seminarians are praying for an end to the pandemic, for the priests serving in the parishes and hospitals, the heroic healthcare staff and care workers, and all who are suffering from this virus. While the present reality lacks the community dimension of formation and the important common liturgical life, their studies and preparation for priesthood continue.

Because of the pandemic, as we are unable to gather in our churches to celebrate Mass, this year there will not be a collection for the Priests’ Training Fund.

Please pray for the seminarians and those discerning God’s call at this time. May they model through their actions and words the example of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, who came to serve and not to be served.

Donations to the Priests’ Training Fund are always gratefully received. If you wish to make a donation, please visit the donation page.



