Category: Fr Dominic Writes
Fr Dominic writes: The Kingdom of God is at hand; reform your lives to enter that kingdom
The trouble is that we want the kingdom but not the reforming. Its like those who want the elected office, but not the campaign; who want the meal, but not […]
Fr Dominic writes: We all have a vocation on earth; everyone of us was brought into being for a reason
The vocation everyone sees is the obvious part of it. But hidden within it is a deeper purpose that is not always known to us. We cannot choose it. We […]
Fr Dominic Writes; What have we done with our gift of life?
With this feast of the Baptism of the Lord, our Church season of Christmas comes to a close because the baby has become a man. Jesus’’ baptism occurred about a […]
Fr Dominic Writes: God’s Gifts
Christmas is about gifts and presents. Around Christmas the shops are filled until late in the evening with shoppers who delayed buying their gifts. In the end hardly anyone can […]
Fr Dominic writes: The forgotten person of the Nativity – Saint Joseph
A story is told about a School Christmas Pageant in which the boy playing Joseph became ill and was not able to perform. They did not replace him and nobody […]
Fr Dominic Writes: “Are you the one we have been waiting for or do we look for another?”
This is really an astonishing question that John The Baptist gives to his followers to ask Jesus. He is now in prison because he challenged Herod on his marriage to […]
Fr Dominic writes: Would we listen to a wild man?
We have tended to romanticise much of the Bible or draw our mental images from Cecil B DeMille, the movies, or even from a children’s bible. But imagine going to […]
Fr Dominic writes: Looking forward to Christmas this year?
For how many people is the coming of Christmas a time of difficulty, acute awareness of bereavement, panic because of financial difficulties, or just despair? How many people dread the […]
Fr Dominic writes: “Why do we call Christ the King?”
We are becoming accustomed to hearing the word “King” a lot more after the passing of Queen Elizabeth, we hear it in other contexts too, “the King of the Jungle”, […]
Fr Dominic writes: What about the future?
Anxiety about the future is really a universal emotion. At some times in our lives everyone will wonder and worry about the future. Our lives are lived within three dimensions […]