Non-Eucharistic funeral services in churches now allowed

We are very pleased to pass on the news that non-Eucharistic funeral services in churches are now permitted. These are funeral services that do not include a Mass. This is great news which should give families of the deceased great comfort because until now, only graveside ceremonies have been permitted under the lockdown.

Social distancing measures will still be in force and a maximum of 15 people including the priest or deacon and stewards may attend. The next-of-kin has an important role in determining who is to attend the funeral; members of the person’s household, close family members, or if the above are unable to attend, close friends.

Notes to consider:

  • the mortal remains of the person should not rest overnight in the church;
  • no objects should be placed on the coffin;
  • no singing is permitted;
  • the use of a single use service sheet which is taken away;
  • people who are not able to attend the service may wish to line the street in a socially distanced way.




