Twenty Altar Servers Join The Guild of St Stephen

Twenty of our altar servers were enrolled to the Guild of St Stephen by Fr Antonio on the feast of Christ the King, 24 November 2019. Fourteen were from St Teresa’s while six were from Ss John Fisher and Thomas More.

The Guild of St Stephen is an international organisation of altar servers founded in England in 1904 . St Teresa of the Child Jesus was affiliated on 1 January 1952 (branch number WE14) while Ss John Fisher and Thomas More was affiliated on 24 August 1964 (branch number WE15).

On enrolment, the altar servers made three promises: to serve regularly at the times when you are asked; to serve with care and reverence and above all; and to serve with understanding.

Fr Antonio presented a cross to those who had been serving for less than six months, while the more experienced servers were presented with the Guild of St Stephen medal.

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