Still as popular as ever, Girlguiding has millions of members worldwide. We are the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK and empower 400,000 girls to be their best and face the challenges of growing up today. We’ve been doing that through adventure, friendship and fun for over 100 years. Girlguiding Hertfordshire have recently set up Flexible Guiding Units to offer more girls the chance to join.
There are lots of reasons for someone to join one of the flexible guiding units. For example:
1. There is no unit for their age group in their local area
2. They have other commitments, including studies and caring responsibilities which means they can’t attend regular unit meetings
3. Transport to and from meetings is a problem
4. An illness or disability may prevent them attending meetings regularly
5. They don’t enjoy spending time in large groups
6. Waiting list for units in their local area are too long
Flexible guiding units means we can offer all the benefits of being a Girlguiding member in a way that fits around your needs and schedule. It’s fun, flexible and full of the same great opportunities. Instead of going to physical weekly meetings, girls keep in touch through email, text, phone calls, post, and zoom, working on different activities and badges and meeting up at exciting events.
In Hertfordshire we can now offer flexible units for Brownies age 7-10 year), Guides aged 10-14 years and Rangers age 14-18 years.
We hope to open a flexible guiding unit for Rainbows in the future. The groups will also gather together for special events and occasions.
How a girl can join
If they’re not already a member, girls will need to register their interest, and then when it comes to choosing their preferred units they’ll need to pop this postcode, AL9 6GH, into the search box before selecting the relevant Hertfordshire Flexible unit.
For more information on the exciting opportunities that Girlguiding has to offer, please visit the Girlguiding website and register your daughter’s interest now: