Adult Confirmation and Marriage Preparation
Adult Confirmation: 2020
Full One Day Course on Saturday 28th March. Confirmation at Easter Vigil 11th April 2020.
Are you over 18 years old and missed getting confirmed in your teens? It is never too late and we have, over the past nine years, held a very full one-day course, so that you can receive the full range of Sacraments of Initiation into the Catholic Church. It may have been a difficult time for you or your family, it might have been that you were a stroppy teenager or a thousand other reasons, that does not matter. If you would like to be Confirmed please complete the online form. We will contact you and give you full details of what is required. We will need to see your Baptismal Certificate. If you know of any Catholic adult who has not been confirmed please let them know about the course.
Have you thought that you might like to get married in the Catholic Church?
Many couples fall in love, get together and plan to get married but things get in the way and sometimes the children come along and what do you know, it is years and the wedding does not happen. Sometimes a civil marriage takes place and the Church Wedding is planned but never comes to realisation. It is never too late and we have the means to sort out most of the wrinkles that can seem to be a hindrance. Talk to your partner and ring Sue to make an appointment. We hold three Marriage Preparation Courses every year: one in February, one in June and one in October. They take place on Friday night 7.30pm to 9.00pm and Saturday 10.00pm to 3.30pm. Friends of mine who have been together for over thirty years with both children at university got married last week. The impetus was that the husband had a slight stroke and he realised that he would leave great difficulties for his partner in regard to pensions etc. Both of them have said that the Marriage Course and the Wedding itself has been a great boon to their relationship. So, have a chat and come and see me or fill in the online form – all is possible.