
It feels like a very long time since my operation on Tuesday 23rd October. I am now ensconced in the Presbytery in Potters Bar, doing my exercises and generally getting more agile every day. I have had some physiotherapy and also had the clips on the wound taken out (28 of them). On Friday I go back for some hydrotherapy. Apart from a little stiffness and soreness I am in very good form. I thought I would be able to settle down to some reading and relaxing but I am champing at the bit to get back. The surgeon and the physiotherapists are adamant that I stay in recovery for a while longer.

Samaritan’s Purse

This year you took 200 Shoe Boxes to fill for those children across the world who are in desperate need. They are scheduled to be picked up on 12th November, this Monday. Many thanks to those who have filled them and brought them back. Please make a really big effort to get your boxes completed this weekend as they will make a great difference to these children’s lives.

Parish Sunday Lunch

On Sunday 25th November our next parish Sunday Lunch is scheduled. The forms are at the back of the church, so please sign up and if things are still going as well as they are now I would love to be there and be served amazing food and meet you.


My plan is to be back in the Parish for the beginning of Advent at the start of December. I hope to on the Bruges Trip on Saturday 1st December. This Tuesday 12th November I will be Ordained for 24 years. I thank God for all the graces and blessings and especially for the care and prayers from the parishioners.

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