The Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal launching in our Parish on Tuesday 26th February
I had a phone call from the Communications Office of the diocese asking me would it be possible for the Cardinal to come here and launch his Annual Lenten Appeal at 11.30am on Tuesday 26th February. I then found out that he is highlighting Food Poverty and Sustainability this year and felt that it would be appropriate to make the public launch at the place where the Borehamwood Foodbank was started in 2013. As this is the public launch we expect some interest from the national press, local television and hopefully the local press. The diocese will also have their press department there.
As parishioners you have, from the very beginning, supported the Foodbank with donations, with cash, with volunteering and have always responded when we were low on certain products. St. Teresa’s School will be represented as will Nicholas Breakspear and St Columba’s with other local schools. The trustees, the volunteers, the voucher holders, CAB, the Trussell Trust, the Mayor and many others have been invited and if you are free at that time please feel free to come along. I hope to make a special effort in the parish this Lent to highlight the help needed for the Foodbank and will publish a list of essential items that I would like you to contribute to keep the stock of food at a good level. We are also hoping to expand our help during school holidays possibly with more Lunch and craft days and maybe with some Sunday lunches to ease the hunger experienced by many families in Borehamwood.