Sadly we now have to face another lockdown in the hope of trying to contain COVID 19 Pandemic. We will stream 9.15am Mass Monday to Friday and we will stream the 6.00pm Mass on Saturdays and 10.00am Mass on Sundays. Remember that they are all recorded and you can access them at your convenience. On Mondays and Thursdays 6.30pm to 7.30pm we will have a Holy Hour. This will begin with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by Evening Prayer with silences and meditations. We will then have Night Prayer followed by Benediction. We will also have the church open for private prayer only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 3pm-4pm. I know that this will, again, be a tough time for people whose lives will be disrupted and the daily routines of work, leisure and churchgoing lost. During the last lockdown I was so impressed with how so many people thought of others and made great efforts to keep in touch with their elderly, and housebound neighbours. There were so many great acts of kindness that many people’s faith in human nature was restored. Already the Borehamwood Foodbank has experienced an increase in clients who are experiencing difficulties in feeding their families. Your generosity last time was astounding and I pray that with your help no family will be left in need. These are unprecedented times and will be challenging for many people. We, as Christians, have a moral duty to be good role models in a crisis like this. We must not be seen as selfish or greedy and we must take it upon our-selves to reach out to the lonely, the vulnerable and those in most need. We will all need help to be Christ to those around us and a great way to get the strength and courage to reach out to others is to participate in the Masses and the Holy Hours . These will help us to feel connected to our parish family and be assured of the prayers of all those who are also participating in a virtual way in the Services.