Some thoughts and reflections that have been sent to me during this crazy period.
Church Online:
- NOT CANCELLED; Quiet Time With God
- NOT CANCELLED; Praying For The Sick
- NOT CANCELLED: Checking On A Friend
- NOT CANCELLED; Helping Others
- You are NOT stuck at home -YOU’RE SAFE AT HOME.
As we approach Holy Week in this very different time let us remember all those who have, for many years, felt isolated and ignored. All those refugees who have had to flee their homes, their countries and their families. They are then conned by people traffickers, sold into slavery, used as sex slaves, very often beaten and abused. Some end up in refugee camps in desperate conditions. We can also remember all those innocent people who have been arrested and imprisoned by different regimes, who have languished in prison, often in solitary confinement.
I know many of us are getting a bit stir crazy but there is so much to be thankful for. It is easy to moan and to look to place blame but instead let us resolve to be the carer who rings friends and neighbours and brings a bit of joy into their lives.