Category: Fr Dominic Writes
Fr Dominic writes: Mary shared the Glory of her Son Jesus Christ and is an example to us.
Mary was with Jesus from the very beginning, and stayed with him right to the end. She was beside him in all the joyful and sorrowful moments of his life. […]
Fr Dominic writes: Don’t hoard possessions, but hoard good deeds
do Don’t hoard possessions but hoard good deeds. Jesus often told his followers not to be afraid. In today’s reading, he tells them not to be hoarders either. Trust in […]
Fr Dominic writes: Be fearless in asking God for something.
The thread tying together the Hebrew Testament and the Gospel reading is about being fearless in asking God for something. In the first reading Abraham does not want God to […]
Fr Dominic Writes: We need to pause & pray
Our natural sympathies are probably with Marta in today’s Gospel reading. After all, she was doing all the work. Why did the Holy Spirit inspire Luke to remember & record […]
Fr Dominic Writes: Who is my neighbour?
Jesus’ story of the Good Samaritan gives us a name for all those people who step forward and volunteer to help others. And there are many of them around. Most […]
Fr Dominic writes: He sent seventy two others ahead of him, in pairs, to every town and place He intended to visit .
This is an intriguing Gospel for several reasons. The first one is a detail at the beginning of this reading that goes by so quickly, we almost miss it. It […]
Fr Dominic Writes: We have to restart our Mission as the Catholic Parishes of Borehamwood
With Mr. COVID 19 taking the impetus out of many of our activities for the last couple of years and them the difficulties with my health I feel that I […]
Fr Dominic writes: Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ
Sometimes when we are faced with people’s needs and look at our own resources we can sit down in a state of depression, believing that we have nothing to give. […]
Fr Dominic writes: After Jesus ascended they went away full of joy & prayed daily in the Temple
We start in this period between the Ascension of Jesus and the descent of the Holy Spirit. A time of waiting that started out full of hope and joy but […]
Fr Dominic writes: If we say we are Christians what should that indicate to the people we meet?
The words of Jesus in today’s Gospel reading are very familiar. We have heard them hundreds of times. “Love one another. That is how people will know you are my […]