We are very happy to announce that St Teresa’s will be re-opening for private prayer from next week (beginning Tuesday, 16 June). Initially, we will open at the following times:
- Tuesdays: 7:30 to 8:30 pm
- Fridays: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
- Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 pm
We must emphasise that St Teresa’s will be open for private and individual prayer only. This means that you may not pray the Rosary with another person, for example. We hope to re-introduce the public celebration of the sacraments such as the Mass and Confession at a later date. Church leaders continue to work closely with the government to make this happen as soon as possible.
Only a maximum of 24 people will be allowed inside the church at any one time.
Social distancing
We wish to remind you the importance of adhering to social distancing rules. We have made all the prescribed measures and preparations to ensure that the church is as safe as it can be for everyone. This includes:
- appropriate signage and markings
- provision of sanitising gel
- clear indications of where you can sit
- a one-way system: you will enter the church by the main entrance and exit via a side door.
Volunteer stewards will be present at all times to guide and assist you. If you would like to volunteer yourself, please read our volunteer appeal page and fill in the volunteer form. Only with your support will we be able to keep the church open. If we get enough volunteers, we will consider opening the church for more hours.
Some more Dos and Don’ts
- Do not bring your own candles. You may only light votive candles provided in the church on your way out.
- Do not touch or kiss statues.
- Do not leave anything behind. Take everything with you. If you do leave something behind, it will be destroyed.
We are very much looking forward to seeing back at St Teresa’s.