These inspired illustrations of Christ’s journey to the Cross by the Benedictine Sisters of Turvey Abbey are presented to us through colour and symbol.
Extremely rich in colour, the paintings trace Christ’s journey to the cross, from Peter’s sad denial of his Master and Jesus’ willing acceptance of his cross to the crucifixion and entombment, ending with the joy and hope of the resurrection. They offer a vivid feeling of increasing darkness as Christ journeys towards the cross and the fulfilment of his destiny.
From the somber, dark and beautiful presentation of the entombment we meet Christ risen in glory: darkness to light, sorrow to joy, despair to hope, death to resurrection. The image of the risen Lord in Station 16 shatters the overwhelming feeling of darkness and doom with its vivacious display of colour sympathetic with the immense joy of the resurrection.
See these beautiful paintings for yourself by joining us for the Stations on the Cross every Friday during Lent immediately after the 9:15 am Mass and again at 7:00 pm.