Our new website continues to receive positive – and even enthusiastic – feedback. However, there are some who are rather confused about website addresses. We hope that the following makes things a bit clearer.
The Official Website
The official website address is www.catholicparishesofborehamwood.org.
The parish owns two more domains (or web addresses):
- www.catholicparishesofborehamwood.org.uk and
- www.catholicparishesofborehamwood.uk.
These simply redirect to www.catholicparishesofborehamwood.org.
For example, if you type in www.catholicparishesofborehamwood.org.uk, you will automatically be taken to this website.
The old website had the web address www.catholicparishesofborehamwood.wordpress.com. That website no longer exists so please delete it from your bookmarks.
Diocesan Websites
Just to complicate matters, St Teresa’s and Ss John Fisher and Thomas More also have an online presence on the Diocese of Westminster website as follows:
- St Teresa’s: https://parish.rcdow.org.uk/borehamwood
- Ss John Fisher and Thomas More: https://parish.rcdow.org.uk/borehamwoodnorth
These contain basic information such as Mass times and contact details but we do not update them as regularly as we update the official website (i.e., this website).
In other words, there is only one website address you need to remember and that is www.caholicparishesofborehamwood.org.